Thursday, January 21, 2010

Beginning A New Journey.

We have some very exciting news. Robbie and I have started a new adoption process. We are still waiting on Emma from China though. That will not change. There is a daughter in China for us and we are going to get her, we just don't know when.

Robbie and I have always known that we wanted more than one child. Since the wait time has increased so much with China and we are looking at another two more years, we have decided to start our next adoption. So, as of December 31, 2009 we are on the waiting list.

This time we are going with a domestic adoption and have decided to adopt a bi-racial baby. This is something that we discussed before starting our China adoption. We knew we wanted to have a multi-cultural family but decided to go to China first. I guess God had another time line though because more than likely, this adoption will happen first. There is no way to know what the time frame will be because we have to wait on a birthmom to pick us. The good news is there are only three active families waiting for a bi-racial baby at our agency including us. So hopefully we will not have to wait for a very long time.

We did not specify a boy or girl but have names picked out for both already. If it is a girl, her name will be Sophie Mae. If it is a boy, his name will be Charlie Bane. (by the way, Bane means long awaited child)

We are very excited to start this new journey and can't wait to meet the children that God has picked for us.


Sheri said...

awesome awesome news! can't wait to see how this unfolds!

Sheri said...

awesome awesome news!!!! can't wait to see how this all unfolds!

Bernice said...

I am so proud of you both for making this decision to try and adopt from another agency. I hope that you will not have to wait to long. After all the two of you have to much love to give. You know that you are in my thoughts and more so in my heart. I still love you both.

Kelly said...

Hey Rachel. Not sure if you will remember me from Jasper or not but I just found your blog and wanted to say hello. Our family is also adopting. We are adopting a sibling group from foster care in the next few months. The two oldest (b6 & g5) have been with us for almost 16 months and their bio brother has been with us since birth and is now almost 1. There is another birth sibling due in the next month or two but we haven't been told whether that baby will come to our home or go to another foster home. You can read more about our journey at my blog. I wish you the best in your adoption journey and I hope it is a smooth fast process for you. God bless.